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Monday, April 21, 2014

Revelation 12

Blessings friends \(-_-)/ original painting of the day by Hidden Mountain (click this for clearer
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painting name ~ Revelation 12 ~ Revelation 12 has taken me literally years to create. I also have spent years researching the ancient Hebrew and Greek Text to understand the prophesy itself. The scripture is written here and begins inside the cross and moves outward.. the original is very large

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


4/16/2014~ this evening we move into our weekly seventh day rest according to the solar Israelite calender ,, blessings to those who follow the true light the SON of YHWH , YHSHWH, may you have peace in your souls and your minds and thoughts filled with the WORD and prayerful connection and renewal through the holy spirit Ruach HaQodesh